Keeping Hydrated
October 9, 2023How should blood sugar balance work?
arbohydrate foods are digested and broken down into glucose sugars which enter the bloodstream. As these sugars enter the blood stream, insulin is produced via the pancreas. Our cells rely on insulin to absorb blood sugar for energy production in the brain, muscles and cells.
Any excess glucose will go to the liver where it is stored as fat and sugar levels decline in the blood-stream. Glucagon is then produced by the pancreas and signals to the liver to begin releasing sugar from storage in the fat cells so that it can be circulated around the body to supply our body energy.
What is blood sugar Imbalance?
The peaks and troughs in blood sugar happen when sugary foods and refined (white) carbohydrates are eaten. They cause a sharp rise in blood-sugar, followed by a steep decline which can result in hunger, fatigue, and dizziness.
Some symptoms associated with blood sugar imbalance are headaches, poor sleep, cravings for starch and sugar, feeling shaky when a meal is missed, trouble concentrating.
How to help maintain healthy blood sugar
Exercising regulary as muscles use the sugar in your bloodstream which helps the insulin response. Being aware of portion sizes and taking time to eat slowly to aid weight management.
Eating foods including sweet potatoes, brighly coloured vegetables, fruits such as berries, beans, oat and pulses. These contain fibre which can slow the digestion of carbohydrates and sugar and in turn slows the release of glucose into the body to avoid the spikes.
Replacing high glycaemic index (GI) such as white bread, pasta, refined sugar and starches with low GI alternatives. Foods such as Eggs, wholegrains, fish, nuts, green leafy vegetables can all be lower GI.
Making sure that you are getting enough sleep may help to alleviate a larger appetite, cause weight gain and raise blood sugars.